Cover Reveal | Right of First Refusal by Dahlia Adler

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Hello, all! Today, I'm delighted to be helping out with the cover reveal for Right of First Refusal by Dahlia Adler, an upcoming new adult contemporary romance that's the second in the Radleigh University series.

It's true that I don't ordinarily take on publicity posts at all, much less publicity posts for books that seem so far out of my comfort zone. But there's a story—a very small one, but a story all the same—behind this one.

I've only ever read one new adult book in my life: the first book in this series, Last Will and Testament. I adored it. I've also only ever read two Hollywood romances in my life, and the first was Dahlia's young adult debut, Behind the Scenes. I adored that, too. Dahlia has a stunning talent for writing heroines with bravery and strength and snappy voices that you can root for wholeheartedly, as well as beautifully imperfect friendships and romances that will make your shipping heart sing. While I've found that her books are great pick-me-ups, they also each have a unique and meaningful soul that will leave a lasting impact on you as a reader. They've made Dahlia Adler one of my favorite contemporary authors, and I think they'll make her one of yours, too. With that in mind, I've brought Right of First Refusal onto the blog today to spread the word.

But enough from me and on to what you're really here for: the cover of Right of First Refusal, designed by the wonderfully talented Maggie Hall!

Here it is! Isn't it lovely?

On the lacrosse field, Cait Johanssen gets what she wants. Off the field is another story. Because what she wants is the school's hot new basketball student-coach, Lawrence Mason, who also happens to be the guy who broke her heart in sports camp two years earlier.

But it's Cait's new roommate who's got him.

Cait and Mase agree it's best to keep their past a secret, but she doesn't expect him to completely ignore their history...or how much it'll hurt when he does. So when a friend on the basketball team asks her to pose as his girlfriend for a night, Cait can't turn down the opportunity for distraction. (Okay, and a little spite.) But what starts as an evening of fun turns into a fake relationship with more lies than the usually drama-free Cait can handle, and it's only keeping her from the one truth that's nagged at her for years: Why did Mase cut her out of his life to begin with?

And is it really too late to get him back?

Find the book (and preorder!)

About the author

Dahlia Adler is an Associate Editor of Mathematics by day, a blogger for B&N Teen Blog by night, and writes Contemporary YA and NA at every spare moment in between. She's the author of the Daylight Falls duology, Just Visiting, and the Radleigh University series, as well as over five billion tweets as @MissDahlELama. She lives in New York City with her husband and their overstuffed bookshelves.

What do you think of this cover? Have you read any new adult and / or any of Dahlia's books?

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